Oklahoma Leasing Activity
- The SCOOP continues to be the hottest play in Oklahoma leasing.
- Continental’s leasing efforts in Stephens County speaks to their continued position as the most active operator in Oklahoma leasing.
- Native Exploration is new to the top 25 Oklahoma leasing list due their recent leasing activity in the SCOOP, particularly McClain County.
Oklahoma Spacing Applications
- Spacing activity in Oklahoma is highlighted by Trinity Operating’s spacing applications in the Arkoma Basin.
- Devon Energy has been increasing their number of spacings filed, primarily in the STACK.
Oklahoma Pooling Applications
- Silver Creek Oil & Gas filed all of their pooling applications in the Arkoma Basin. They remain the most active operator in the Arkoma Basin, with Hughes County being one of their key areas of focus. Read more here.
Oklahoma Drilling Intents Filed
- The majority of intents filed in Oklahoma are scattered throughout the SCOOP and the STACK.
- EOG’s permits filed are focused in McClain County and Ellis County in the Anadarko Basin.
Oklahoma Completion Filings
- Completion activity is primarily in the SCOOP and STACK.
- Newfield Exploration’s activity is highlighted by their completions in the STACK.
Oklahoma Increased Density Filings
Oklahoma Transfer Activity
- This week’s Oklahoma transfer activity is highlighted by Eyler Energy’s purchase of 23 wells from Leg Up Operating in Creek County. Multiple wells from this transfer were completed back in the 1950s!
Compiled and Published by GIB KNIGHT
Gib Knight is a private oil and gas investor and consultant, providing clients advanced analytics and building innovative visual business intelligence solutions to visualize the results, across a broad spectrum of regulatory filings and production data in Oklahoma and Texas. He is the founder of OklahomaMinerals.com, an online resource designed for mineral owners in Oklahoma.