Story By Jerry Bohnen |OK Energy Today| Oklahoma City’s Continental Resources Inc. revealed more recent success in its oil and gas exploration in Oklahoma’s SCOOP play, filing completion reports in Garvin County on two wells on a single pad with combined production of nearly 1,400 barrels of oil a day.
The reports for the Moonraker wells, located at 33 1N 3W or 5 miles north of Ratliff City in Garvin County, show completions were made in February 2023.
The Moonraker 2-33-32xhm, with a drilled depth of 17,173 feet and a true vertical depth of 7,996 feet, produced 1,067 barrels of oil a day and 1,058 Mcf of natural gas. The completion report showed the well was spud in August 2022.
A second well on the same pad, the Moonraker 1-33-32xhm, produced 324 barrels of oil a day and 434 Mcf of natural gas. The completion report showed a drilled depth of 17,246 feet and a true vertical depth of 7,996 feet.
A third completion report was filed with the same numbers as reflected on the second Moonraker well, so as has occurred in the past, many times it is simply a duplication of the original well and is not a third producing well on the same pad.
As OK Energy Today reported earlier in the week, Continental Resources filed other completion reports on Garvin County wells. The reports were originally filed for the oil well production, but Continental amended the reports to classify the wells as gas operations. Their combined natural gas production was nearly 5,500 Mcf a day.
About the SCOOP
The SCOOP, or South Central Oklahoma Oil Province, is a defined area that encompasses many of the top hydrocarbon-producing counties in Oklahoma within the Anadarko Basin. The SCOOP play mainly targets the Devonian to Mississippian-aged Woodford, Sycamore, and Springer formations. Read about Mineral Rights in Garvin County.