By: Sergio Chapa – Bloomberg – Elon Musk recently moved to Texas, where he launches some of his rockets and is building a...
By: David Blackmon- Forbes – Officials in the state of New Mexico professed to be taken aback last week by President Joe...
By: Matthew Brown – AP – The Biden administration announced Thursday a 60-day suspension of new oil and gas leasing and drilling...
By: Jeff Brady – NPR – As part of his ambitious plan to address climate change, President Biden is revoking a key cross-border presidential permit...
By: Ahmad Ghadder, Alex Lawler, Nidhi Verma – Reuters – OPEC’s secretary-general said on Tuesday he was cautiously optimistic the oil market...
An exceptional story on how President Biden and his new administration may change Oklahoma Energy, by Jack Money – The Oklahoman. Presidential...
By: The Highland County Press – The Ohio Marketable Title Act (MTA) and the Ohio Dormant Mineral Act (DMA) provide separate procedures,...
By: Avi Salzman – Barrons – Oil and gas companies could face more stringent regulations under Democratic control of the White House...
By: Nichola Groom – Reuters – The Trump administration on Thursday will offer the oil and gas industry a final chance to...
By: Camille Erickson – Casper Star Tribune – A new survey published by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on Friday revealed...