Inheriting mineral rights can be akin to stumbling upon a buried treasure. The prospect of tapping into the lucrative oil and gas...
In the midst of a bitter cold snap, Texas faces an alarming situation as natural gas output has plummeted to an 11-month...
In a recent development that has sent ripples through the global oil markets, oil prices have exhibited a slight decline amidst escalating...
BlackRock Inc., a global investment management corporation, finds itself at the center of a complex situation in Texas. Despite being banned from...
In an unprecedented move to address the increasing seismic activity in West Texas, the Railroad Commission of Texas, the state’s oil and...
The oil and gas industry in 2024 is navigating a complex landscape of challenges and evolving regulations, particularly in the United States....
On January 8, 2024, the downtown area of Fort Worth, Texas, was rocked by a devastating explosion at the historic Sandman Signature...
The recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court marks a significant development in the ongoing legal battle between the State of Minnesota...
Texas, a state pivotal to the United States’ oil and gas industry, finds itself bracing for a series of severe weather events...
In a historic stride for the United States’ energy sector, the country has for the first time claimed the title of the...