I am continually analyzing a myriad of data streams in an effort to determine where best to invest in buying oil and gas minerals. Situated in the SCOOP play, one of the areas I like is Grady County, Oklahoma which has a long, rich history of oil and gas production dating back to the early 1900’s. Today we are looking at Woodford production.
The Woodford, whether it is Ardmore or Anadarko Basin, lies at a depth deeper than most other unconventional resource plays.
I recently reviewed all of the wells in the county which have reported some amount of production over the last 36 months. I was after how many horizontal (HZ) wells are currently reporting production and where are the very BEST Woodford wells located.
Here is a snapshot of the data I started with for the county.
As you can see, there are currently 289 HZ wells with production being reported in this particular county. Here are the number of producing wells, sorted by formation. You can see that the majority have been drilled and completed in the Woodford formation.
Continental Resources (CLR) is the top operator of HZ wells in the county.
The five best Woodford wells, by cumulative gas production are:
The five best Woodford wells, by cumulative oil production are:
In closing, here is a quick video created showing the area development over the past 36 months, of HZ Woodford wells in Grady County. The data behind the analysis and mapping in this video is provided by a leading oil and gas data company in Oklahoma City.