Oil & Gas News

Alaska’s North Slope Sees New Oil Exploration

Alaska, Oil, Apache, APA

APA Corporation and its partners, Lagniappe Alaska and Oil Search (Alaska), have made a significant oil discovery in Alaska’s North Slope with their latest exploratory well, Sockeye-2. The well was drilled to a depth of approximately 10,500 feet and encountered a high-quality reservoir containing 25 feet of net oil pay in a Paleocene-aged sand formation. The reservoir shows promising porosity at an average of 20%, with permeability to be confirmed through a planned flow test. Additional potential pay zones were also identified in the shallower Staines Tongue formation, further expanding the well’s resource potential.

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The Sockeye prospect spans between 25,000 and 30,000 acres and aligns with the partnership’s geologic and geophysical models, derisking other opportunities in the region. The discovery follows the success of King Street-1, the partnership’s first exploration well, which found oil in two separate Brookian zones. The continued success of these wells underscores the growing promise of the Brookian play and highlights the potential for further development in an area that benefits from existing infrastructure.

Bill Armstrong, CEO of Armstrong Oil & Gas, expressed optimism about the results, stating that Sockeye-2 further confirms the viability of the play and represents an exciting opportunity for energy development in Alaska’s North Slope. APA Corporation CEO John J. Christmann echoed this sentiment, noting that the discovery proves the partners’ geologic and geophysical models are working as expected. He emphasized that a working hydrocarbon system is in place, and the partnership looks forward to further evaluation, particularly the flow test, which will provide critical insights into the well’s production potential.

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The partners are now moving forward with additional data collection, including coring and flow testing, to better understand the full potential of the discovery. The outcome of these efforts will help determine the next steps in the project and whether further appraisal wells or development plans are warranted. If the results continue to be favorable, the discovery could lead to significant new production in Alaska, an area that has long been a cornerstone of U.S. oil output.

This discovery comes as Alaska’s North Slope remains an important hub for domestic oil production, with existing infrastructure providing a strategic advantage for new developments. APA Corporation and its partners remain focused on evaluating the well’s potential and are optimistic about the future prospects of their 325,411-acre position in the region. The energy industry will be watching closely as further testing is completed and the partners decide on their next steps.

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